Our FundsDonor-Advised Funds | Doerr Family Community Fund

Harvey and Sherry Doerr believe strongly in giving back to the community. They give of their time, they give of their finances, and they give to the Columbia Valley Community Foundation so their gifts can stretch even further.

Back in 2016, the Doerrs set up a donor-advised endowment fund with the CVCF as part of their estate planning. They liked that the foundation allowed them to plan ahead for the future, and have a simple way to support amazing local initiatives in the Columbia Valley each and every year.

“The idea was to create a fund here in the valley — which is one of the places we choose to live — as a way to give back to the community,” shares Harvey. “Each year we look through the applications and get to choose how we want that money spent.” Through the years, the Doerr Family Fund has supported a wide range of organizations including the Toby Creek Nordic Ski Club, Summit Trail Makers Society, Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners, Junior Achievement of British Columbia, an electronic community message board, and much more.
