We’re excited to announce that our Neighbourhood Small Grants program will open on March 14th, 2024 and take applications until April 25th, 2024

We offer a grant of up to $500 for you to bring your community project to life. With a Neighbourhood Small Grant, you join a network of thousands of project leaders across British Columbia who have taken steps to better their neighbourhoods—just like you.

Why are we doing this? Because magic happens when neighbours connect. It forms friendships, makes our communities safer and more vibrant.

Write and submit your application

You can ask for a grant of between $50 to $500.

Wait for the results

Volunteers from your community review applications. You will know if your application was approved between two and eight weeks.

Bring your ideas to life

Your grant will be sent to you via cheque or direct deposit. Now it’s time to get started!

Share your story

Be sure to take a few photos and share them with us. This will help inspire more people like you to get started too.

Neighbourhood Small Grants


Applicants must be:

  • A resident of our community;
  • An individual (projects can’t be submitted behalf of a non-profit.

Eligibility Requirements

Please note that:

  • The project must be offered to community for free (can’t charge for tickets),
  • Honorariums paid for services can only cover up to $350 of the project

For more details, visit the Neighbourhood Small Grants website.

What are the key dates?

Application period: March 14th, 2024 to April 25th, 2024

Project Timeframe:  June 1st, 2024 to November 30, 2024.

What info do I need to apply?
  • Project Description 
  • Project Timing 
  • Project Location
  • Project Budget

What are the reporting requirements?

Will be communicated here once they are available.