In 2022, we gave $201,641 to 22 different organizations through Community Grants.

Community Grants is an annual granting program that invests in ideas and activities that enhance the quality of life for the communities of the Columbia Valley. These grants are the Foundation’s most flexible funding opportunities for community service organizations.

Grant applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee which consists of community volunteers and Foundation board members. All grants require final approval from the Foundation’s board.

Process Overview

Gather Information

  • What are the key dates?
  • Am I eligible?
  • What info do I need to apply?
  • Check out our Resources and Tips
  • Review projects that we have supported in the past through Our Stories and Annual Reports.

Write and submit your application

Wait for the results

  • Community Grants are adjudicated by a committee comprised of Foundation Board members and community participants

Complete the Required Reporting


To be eligible for funding through the Community Grants program, applications and their projects must:

  • Serve one or more of the following communities in the Columbia Valley:
    • Radium Hot Springs,
    • District of Invermere,
    • Village of Canal Flats,
    • Area F and Area G of the Regional District East Kootenay (includes unincorporated communities of Spillimacheen, Brisco, Edgewater, Panorama Resort Village, Wilmer, Windermere, Fairmont Hot Springs)
  • Be submitted by a registered non-profit society or registered charity whose mission and mandate match the proposed project, and who demonstrate their own commitment to the project. See “tips” section below for details
    • Partnerships are encouraged, and not-for-profit organizations may work with a registered charity to fulfill a project in some cases.
  • Address one of the following needs categories:
    • Environment/Climate
    • Food & Agriculture
    • Health & Wellness
    • Belonging & Quality of Life
    • Housing
    • Getting Around/ Transportation
    • Learning
    • Safety
  • Include a detailed project plan, including:
    • Demonstrating fit with need categories noted above
    • A budget showing support from other funding sources
    • Demonstrates the applicant’s own meaningful contributions to the project
  • Be willing to sign a grant agreement and submit reporting
What are the key dates?

October, 2024
Application deadline

November, 2024
Review Period

December, 2024
Applicants Notified

January – December 2025
Project Operational Period

January, 2026
Reporting submitted – up to 45 days after the end of the project.

What Info Do I Need To Apply?

In order to fill out our online application, you will need to prepare the following:

  • A complete application that is authorized by organization’s signatories, and submitted before the deadline.
  • If your organization is a registered Canadian charity, you will be asked to provide proof of active status, and being in good standing with CRA
  • If your organization is a non-profit society, you will be asked to  proof of active status and  good standing with the government under which your society was formed.
  • Recent financial statements
What are the reporting requirements?
Where do I apply?

Through the Columbia Valley Community Foundation’s Application Portal


Resources and Tips

For the most compelling application, consider the following granting criteria when planning your project:

  • Budget and administrative expenses are realistic and reasonable
  • At least one other confirmed funding source or in-kind contribution
  • Non-profit organizations may now apply to the Foundation without a sponsorship arrangement with a Qualified Doneee
  • Grants to organizations that are not registered charities or listed municipalities may be subject to additional reporting requirements.
  • The project does not duplicate other programs in the valley, except in an instance where collaborative, incremental or complementary need can be documented
  • Plan is well-define and detailed with clear timelines
  • Staff and volunteer capabilities are well-suited to the project
  • Evidence suggests that the approach is likely to succeed
  • Risks are reasonable and accounted for
  • The project has a proven need and will produce measureable results

The following project types are not eligible:

  • Retroactive funding, or for any project expenses to be incurred prior to the foundation’s decision date,
  • Individuals or individual families,
  • For-profit organizations,
  • Core operating expenses,
  • Pure academic research,
  • Endowment building,
  • Fundraising events and programs, and salaries that support them,
  • Debt retirement,
  • Emergency funding,
  • Religious activities that focus on only one spiritual tradition,
  • Travel to/attendance at conferences, competitions, symposia or annual events,
  • Administrative fees for statutory requirements,
  • Political activities.